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How It Works

Predictable & Scalable Ambition & Goal Realisation

As is often the case, we have made the world too complex, and created a belief that change and improvement is difficult and frustrating, which is nonsense, because everyones’ lives is one constant change process.

Ideas-Shared works by following one simple, repeatable, and predictable 7 step process to change and improve our world, personally, professionally, and societally. It is flexible depending on what you’re trying to achieve.

Simply bring together the required numbers of people and organisations who want similar outcomes, and use our 7 step process to complete an array of everyday activities and tasks, that upon completion deliver the outcomes you or your organisation want. This applies across all 4 levels of activity:

  • Individuals looking to change and improve their own personal circumstances.
  • Individuals and organisations looking to change and improve the lot of people in general.
  • Individuals and organisations looking to change and improve their own organisation or other organisations.
  • Individuals and organisations looking to change and improve the fabric of society.

Clearly, the further you go down the above list, the more people and organisations are needed to participate or support to deliver the desired outcomes.

Moreover, our human condition comes complete with a raft of negative behaviours that limit our ability to think, communicate and deliver, so we advocate an approach that includes:

  1. Logic: Our structured process ensures focused, productive efforts.
  2. Intuition: We value intuitive insights to uncover creative solutions.
  3. Curiosity: Encouraging exploration to discover novel opportunities.


This is how it works:

Ideas-Shared help you change the world
Woman is thing how it works

Desire To Take Action

Change and improvement begins with your initiative. Your willingness to take the first step is crucial. Ideas-Shared empowers you to act and make a difference, unlocking the potential for collective impact.

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Our 7 Step Process

Select Trial Account for £1

Select a trial account (Individual, Non-Profit, Community, Business, or Government). Explore our features for 30 days and decide whether to continue or not.

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Complete Profile

Customise your profile to reflect your identity or that of your organisation. This helps others understand who you are and what you seek.

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Edit Profile page as at 18 June 24

Step 1. Identify Ambitions & Goals

Determine the specific ambitions and goals you want to achieve—whether personal, community-focused, business-related, or societal. This step sets the direction for your activities.

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Step 2. Post Ambition Listings

Choose from 18 activity types that align with your goals and post your serendipitous asks (listings). This is your way of asking for help and sharing your needs with potential collaborators.

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Post listings page image

Step 3 ~ Syndicate & Advertise

Promote your asks and listings. Share them on social media, invite friends and family, or use local channels to reach a wider audience.

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Syndicate listing function image

Step 4 ~ Build Collaborative Teams

Form partnerships with like-minded individuals and organisations. Pool your strengths and resources to work towards common objectives.

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Build teams in groups image

Step 5 ~ Plan Tasks

Plan your tasks meticulously and execute them using our tools.

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Projects page as at 18 June 24

Step 6 ~ Execute Tasks

Track progress, make adjustments, and celebrate your achievements. This is where your goals start to take shape.

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Completing Tasks page as at 18 June 24

Step 7 ~ Deliver Outcomes

Achieve your desired outcomes and celebrate your successes. Use the experience to inspire further action and continue the cycle with new projects and collaborators.

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Final Thoughts

It’s clear, many of the problems we face in the world cannot be easily fixed, but we have a chance if we come together in numbers never before seen on a collaboration platform. By leveraging our platform’s technology and methodology, you, me, everyone, has the chance to achieve far more than you might otherwise do on your own. The power of serendipitous asks and collaborative action can drive substantial change and improvement at every level.

Together, we can create a tide of positive change worldwide. Get started today and see how Ideas-Shared can help you achieve your goals.

Ready to Begin?

Ready to make a difference? Start your 30 day trial today and experience how collaborative action and innovative solutions can turn your ambitions into reality.

Introducing Ideas-Shared content by location. Follow down arrow image

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