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About Us

Ideas-Shared: Empowering Change Through Serendipitous Encounters & Connections

Ideas-Shared is redefining how individuals and organisations navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Our platform provides a stage where every voice can be heard, enabling people and organisations to identify, progress, and achieve their personal, community, social, business, environmental, economic, financial, technological, and political goals.

In a world filled with daunting challenges, our ‘serendipity asks’ bring people together to find the answers we seek. Ideas-Shared was born from a fortuitous meeting between two visionaries—Bob Thompson and Ivar Ingimarsson.

Ivar dreamed of a platform where anyone could collaborate on ideas, unrestricted by prior connections. After struggling to find a solution, he crossed paths with Bob, and their serendipitous encounter sparked the creation of Ideas-Shared. Together, they transformed their shared vision into a transformative platform.

About Bob Thompson Co-Founder

Bob Thompson Co-Founder

Bob Thompson, a problem-solver with a military background, brings a knack for addressing complex issues. His collaboration with Ivar was instrumental in shaping Ideas-Shared.

About Ivar Ingimarsson Co-Founder

Ivar Ingimarsson Co-Founder

Ivar Ingimarsson, a former professional footballer with a passion for community well-being, fuelled the development of our platform with his commitment to fostering meaningful connections.

Together, Bob and Ivar have created a space where unexpected connections lead to extraordinary solutions.

Our Purpose

At Ideas-Shared, we aim to revolutionise how challenges are addressed and opportunities are seized through serendipity. We believe that meaningful connections—whether by chance or intention—can spark extraordinary solutions and drive profound change. Our platform is designed to facilitate these serendipitous encounters, enabling diverse perspectives to come together and collaboratively solve real-world problems.

Why We Exist

  • To Overcome Challenges: The world faces intricate issues that demand innovative approaches. We connect individuals and organizations with the right resources and partners, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and progress.
  • To Foster Collaboration: We champion the power of collective action. By uniting a global community of individuals, organizations, and governments, we aim to drive collaborative efforts that produce tangible, impactful results.
  • To Unlock Potential: Our platform equips users with the tools and support needed to realize their ideas and ambitions. We empower users to harness serendipitous connections, facilitating their journey towards achieving their goals and making a meaningful difference.
  • To Create Impact: Whether addressing societal issues, fostering personal growth, or advancing professional development, our purpose is to enable actions that result in lasting, positive change.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to transforming personal, professional, and societal challenges into opportunities through the power of serendipitous connections. By joining Ideas-Shared, you become part of a global movement aimed at making a tangible difference.

Our Vision

We envision a world where individuals and organisations harness serendipity to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities, leading to better outcomes for all.

Join Us

Imagine a world where millions collaborate on thousands of challenges, turning obstacles into opportunities for progress. By joining Ideas-Shared, you become part of a transformative movement dedicated to making a difference across personal, professional, and societal spheres.

Ready To Change The World?

Start your journey with us today. Sign up for a free trial and explore how our platform can help you connect with the right people and resources to achieve your goals.

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