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How The ‘Serendipitous Ask’ Works

Here’s How You Can Achieve Your Goals Quickly & Easily

For people and organisations who know what they want to achieve, but don’t know how to make it happen, Ideas-Shared brings the world to you. Call it luck, chance, or being prepared… it’s all down to the serendipitous ask which showcases universal requirements (i.e., the ask), such that others with similar thoughts decide to help you.

In a world fixated on information, automation, and AI, people are being ignored, and the fundamental changes and improvements our world needs are not happening. We’re on a mission to bring the world together, into a single ‘internet of people and organisations’ ~ where everyone serendipitously asks for help and receives help to develop ideas, overcome frustrations, fix problems, offer solutions, and more, after which they build teams, and together take the necessary steps needed to achieve the outcomes they want with like-minded people AND organisations.

Our proven process shows you how anyone can achieve far more than they might otherwise be able to, simply by using our fusion of technology, methodology, common sense, and serendipitously asking.

Ideas-Shared help you change the world
Woman is thing how it works

Desire To Take Action

It all begins with you, taking that vital first step towards change. Your willingness to act is the catalyst for making a difference. Without your initiative and commitment, our process remains idle. But with your action, we unlock the potential to create real impact, together.

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Just Tap Into Our 7 Step Process

Select Trial Account

Choose your FREE no-risk Trial Account – Individual, Non-Profit, Community, Business, or Government. Explore for the next 14 days. Then, decide to upgrade or walk away.

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Complete Profile

Customise your profile to reflect who you, or the organisation are.

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Edit Profile page as at 18 June 24

Step 1. Identify Ambitions & Goals

Determine personal, community, social, business, financial, environmental, economic, and other ambitions, and goals you want to realise for yourself or an entity you represent.

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Step 2. Post Ambitions

Select from 18 activity types that align with your personal or organisational ambitions and post your listings. This is how you ask for help and communicate important information to potential collaborators.

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Post listings page image

Step 3 ~ Syndicate & Advertise

Socialise your ambitions and listings, inviting other Individuals and Entities to join and contribute. Share your listings on social media platforms, invite friends and family, or place posters in local environments.

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Step 4 ~ Build Collaborative Teams

Form alliances with like-minded individuals and entities. Unite strengths towards common goals.

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Build teams in groups image

Step 5 ~ Plan Tasks

Meticulous planning. Diligent execution. Celebrate triumphs. Reflect, learn, and repeat—the rhythm of progress.

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Projects page as at 18 June 24

Step 6 ~ Execute Tasks

Using simple Kanban tools to manage, List Owners and Team Members execute tasks, measure results, and make necessary adjustments to achieve desired outcomes.

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Completing Tasks page as at 18 June 24

Step 7 ~ Deliver Outcomes

Celebrate as desired outcomes are achieved and the benefits are realised. Disperse teams and repeat the process with anyone.

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How It Works Is Amazing

Join Us and Take the First Step

Bring your ideas, frustrations, problems, solutions, desires, passion, knowledge, experience, and willingness to ask for help, and/or give help… and experience the transformative power of collaboration, because together, we can make a positive impact and create a better world for ourselves and all we care for.

Imagine the Possibilities

Imagine the possibilities when millions of individuals and organisations stand up, share their ideas, frustrations, problems, solutions, and more. Imagine what we could achieve together, imagine the leverage we can create together. This is a paradigm shift for humanity to overcome our personal, professional, and societal challenges on a local and global scale, like never before.

The Power of Numbers

Remember, the more of us there are, the greater the number of collaborations we can initiate and be part of, thus creating an ever-growing tide of change and improvement at every level, and for every purpose throughout the world.

Introducing Ideas-Shared content by location. Follow down arrow image

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