Member Home > Training > Coached Progression > Module 2 > Groups & Forums

Use Groups & Forums

Groups and Forums are an intrinsic part of our community and they play a key part in the workings of Ideas-Shared. members have the ability to create unlimited Groups, and Forums.


  • Admin has created a range of Open Groups for members to congregate and begin conversations.
  • Create additional open, closed, and hidden Groups to bring interested parties together. These can be Project Teams or all interested parties. We recommend you segregate Project Groups from General Groups that have a lot of members.
  • Groups also have their own News Feed.
  • Groups can have their own embedded Forum.
  • Groups can use Zoom to communicate with Project Teams or broader memberships. Click here for more on Zoom setup.
  • Listings cannot be set up from within a Group, but links to Activity Listings can be added.


  • Admin has created a range of Open Forums for members to congregate and begin conversations.
  • Forums can be used to clarify thinking.
  • Forum rules apply.

Our platform does not currently use Moderators. We rely on the integrity of our members to be courteous at all times and to follow Membership Guidelines.

Check out the Enhanced User Guide which describes how to use our platform in more detail. Note that the use of our platform implies acceptance of our terms and conditions.

Click the link below button once you have read this page.