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Achievements & Outcomes
Delivering Benefits For Those You Care For
When you identify ambitions and goals, post activity listings, build teams, plan and execute tasks on Ideas-Shared, you make a choice to change the status quo and deliver value and benefit to your chosen beneficiaries.
On successful completion of the 18 activity types, members have the potential to deliver any of the following desired outcomes:
- Alerted: Notified or made someone aware of a particular situation or issue.
- Automated: Introduced or implemented automated processes to streamline tasks or operations.
- Built: Created or constructed something tangible, such as a structure or product.
- Campaigned: Organised and executed a coordinated effort to achieve a specific goal or promote a cause.
- Challenged: Presented a difficulty or problem to overcome, often stimulating innovation or problem-solving.
- Changed: Implemented alterations or modifications to existing conditions, behaviours, or processes.
- Complained: Expressed dissatisfaction or grievances about a particular matter or situation.
- Contemplated: Pondered or deeply considered an idea, concept, or course of action.
- Created: Generated something new, whether it be an idea, or invention.
- Debated: Engaged in a structured argument or discussion to present and defend opposing viewpoints.
- Decided: Made a choice or reached a conclusion after careful consideration or deliberation.
- Developed: Advanced or enhanced something through gradual progress or refinement.
- Digitised: Converted manual information or processes into digital form.
- Discussed: Engaged in conversation or dialogue about a particular topic or issue.
- Educated: Provided information or instruction to impart knowledge or develop skills.
- Engaged: Actively involved oneself or others in a particular activity or endeavour.
- Evaluated: Assessed or appraised the value, importance, or effectiveness of something.
- Experienced: Underwent or encountered a particular event or situation first hand.
- Explained: Clarified or elucidated information or concepts to make them understandable.
- Exposed: Revealed or brought to light previously unknown or hidden information.
- Fixed: Repaired or resolved a problem or issue to restore functionality or correctness.
- Found: Discovered or located something previously unknown or lost.
- Funded: Received financial resources or support for a particular purpose or endeavour.
- Held to Account: Ensured that individuals or entities took responsibility or answered for their actions or decisions.
- Improved: Enhanced or made something better in quality, value, or effectiveness.
- Influenced: Affected or shaped the opinions, behaviours, or decisions of others.
- Informed: Provided knowledge or information to educate or update others.
- Innovated: Introduced new ideas, methods, or technologies to improve or revolutionise existing processes or products.
- Invented: Created or devised a new product, process, or solution that did not previously exist.
- Investigated: Systematically examined or researched a particular topic or issue to uncover facts or evidence.
- Learnt: Acquired knowledge or skills through study, experience, or instruction.
- Made: Produced or created something tangible or intangible.
- Managed: Organised, directed, or controled resources or activities to achieve specific objectives.
- Networked: Established and maintained connections or relationships with others for mutual benefit or support.
- Obtained Feedback: Solicited or received input or opinions from others for improvement or validation.
- Obtained Help: Received or gave assistance or support from or to others in need of aid or assistance.
- Obtained Redress: Received compensation or resolution for grievances or injustices.
- Organised: Structured or arranged elements or activities in a systematic or orderly manner.
- Overcame: Successfully surmounted obstacles, challenges, or difficulties.
- Planned: Strategised or arranged actions or steps to achieve a specific purpose or goal.
- Presented: Displayed or showcased information, ideas, or products to an audience.
- Promoted: Advocated or supported the advancement or popularity of something.
- Prompted Reaction: Incited or elicited an immediate response or action.
- Proposed: Suggested or put forward an idea, plan, or solution for consideration.
- Proved: Demonstrated or verified the truth or validity of something through evidence or argument.
- Recommended: Provided advice or suggested a course of action based on expertise or experience.
- Reflected: Contemplated or thought deeply about past experiences, actions, or decisions.
- Remembered: Recalled or retained information, experiences, or events from the past.
- Repaired: Restored or fixed something that was damaged or broken.
- Repurposed: Adapted or reused something for a different purpose or function.
- Researched: Conducted systematic investigation or study to discover new information or insights.
- Shared: Distributed or disseminated information, resources, or experiences with others.
- Showcased: Displayed or presented something in a way that highlighted its features or qualities.
- Simplified: Streamlined or made something easier to understand or use.
- Sold: Exchanged goods or services for money or other forms of compensation.
- Solved: Found a solution or resolution to a problem or issue.
- Stopped: Ceased or halted a particular activity or behaviour.
- Suggested: Offered or proposed an idea, solution, or course of action for consideration.
- Supported: Provided assistance, encouragement, or backing to someone or something.
- Taught: Instructed or imparted knowledge or skills to others.
- Tested: Evaluated or assessed the performance or reliability of something through experimentation or examination.
- Understood: Grasped or comprehended the meaning or significance of something.
- Vented Anger: Expressed or released feelings of anger or frustration.
- Vented Frustration: Expressed or released feelings of frustration or annoyance.
- Warned: Advised or cautioned someone about a potential danger or problem.
Managing Tasks
Each activity type you undertake will naturally require a number of tasks to be completed. Simply choose whatever tasks you believe are necessary to realise your ambition and goal.
Then, with the help of your team, other members, and the wider world carry out relevant actions to complete tasks.
A standard list of tasks for each activity type can be found in the members area.
As part of your activity, you’ll be deciding which outcomes you want to achieve. So, are you ready to start delivering desired outcomes? Then click the button below to try it out: