Add or Edit Listing

Complete this form for each Serendipitous Ask you have. Use these to share your ideas, frustrations, problems, and more. Add as much information as you need. It shouldn’t take long. Once you have posted your activity, continue following the 7 step process, as applicable. Good luck!

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Add/Edit Listing Notes

Items marked * are required.

Header Section

  • Header Images: Start by adding a header image, one that illustrates your ask.
  • The Ask (Listing Title) * : Add a compelling title e.g., ‘Embrace a New Way’ or ‘End The Migrant Crisis’ or ‘Fix the NHS’.
  • What is Your Ask About (Tagline): Add a representative tagline e.g., ‘We discuss a major problem across the UK’.
  • Describe Your Ask: Here you describe your activity, e.g., your idea, your frustration, your problem, your solution, or one of the other 14 activity types as it relates to your ask. Here’s an example built on the earlier ‘ask’ example above: “The problem people have trying to come together to communicate and deliver their respective ideas and thoughts is…”
  • Activity Status: Choose the status of your listing. Amend to reflect as needed.
  • Activity Level: Select a level. (1 = Individual, 2 = People, 3 = Orgnisational, and 4 = Social or Systemic)
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The Plan Section

  • Your Plan Status * : Select one of the options that best describes how you will achieve your ambition or goal.
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Tags Section

  • Tags * : Select one or more interest area tags.
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Listing Detail Section

  • Ambition Area: Tick one or more ambition area. This provides a search dimension.
  • Activity Type * : Select one or more activity types. Note that this may open up some additional questions, just answer as appropriate.
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What’s The Ask Section

  • Select an option that most describes how you will achieve this ask.
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Outcomes Section

  • Expected Outcome: Begin by describing what the future might look like when your ambition is realised and your activity has been successfully completed.
  • Benefits: Outline the benefits participants will gain from engaging in this activity, such as learning opportunities, networking, skill development, etc.
  • Benefit List: Now from the tick box options shown, select all of the outcomes that beneficiaries may achieve on successful completion of this activity.
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Help & Support Section

  • Help Wanted: Select one or more of the options available, stating what type of help you want.
  • Additional Options: This section gives readers a view of the things that they could do to support your listing straight away. Tick the ones you’d like readers to do now.
  • Group URL: If you’ve created a group, and want other members to join you in there, first create the group, then add the URL in this box.
  • Donate, Funding & Petition Links: If you’re using 3rd party donation, funding, and petition solutions, and you want members to support these, add the links here.
  • Other Information & Next Steps: Finally in this section, add any further comments and next steps, if appropriate.
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Document Section

  • File Upload: Upload any relevant documents e.g. word or pdf.
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Video Section

  • Video: Add a video, using a relevant link.
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Location Section

  • Locations * : Select all locations that apply or are impacted by your listing. For example, if you live in the UK and your listing relates to something in Africa, select Africa region, or a country in Africa.
  • Address * : Select a point on the map that shows where your listing impacts. This isn’t necessarily the place where you currently are.
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Contact Information Section

  • Multiple Fields: Finally, enter your contact information and social links as shown.
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Listing Outcome

  • What Happened In The End: Once you have completed or cancelled your listing, you can write a short statement that outlines how things ended up.

Once you have completed the form, you can save and preview it. Doing so will post it to our directory.

You can edit your listing at any time. Once your listing has been completed, you can choose to delete it, or keep it.