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Example Idea Listing


The Ask

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Listing Status
Listing in progress (help wanted)

Objective & Focus Area

Primary Objective
Create Awareness
Project Required

Activity Description, Why This Matters Now, & Future State

This section of an idea listing provides a clear, structured explanation of what the listing is about. It describes what one intends to build, create, or do, rather than just a general concept or discussion.

A strong Activity Description should:

  • Clearly state the objective of the idea.
  • Describe the action that will be taken (e.g., building something, launching a project, creating a system, etc.).
  • Explain who can participate and what their role would be.

For example, if the idea is about creating a community-led urban farming project, the description would explain:

  • What the project involves (e.g., setting up urban gardens, training volunteers, providing food to local communities).
  • How it will work (e.g., partnerships with local businesses, crowdfunding, sustainability strategies).
  • Who should get involved (e.g., urban planners, community leaders, volunteers, local governments).

🌍 Why This Matters Now

This section explains why this idea is important at this moment. It should provide context, urgency, and relevance to motivate people to take action.

It should include:

  • Current issues or challenges that make this idea necessary.
  • What happens if no action is taken?
  • Opportunities created by acting now.

For example, in the urban farming idea, this section would highlight:

  • Growing food insecurity in urban areas.
  • The impact of rising food prices on low-income families.
  • The increasing popularity of sustainable agriculture as a solution.

By explaining why now is the time to act, this section helps the idea gain momentum and support.

🚀 Future State & Expected Outcomes

This section describes the expected results if the idea is successfully executed. It helps people visualise the impact and see how they can contribute.

A good Future State section includes:

  • Short-term goals (what will happen in the first 3-6 months).
  • Long-term impact (how this idea could scale or evolve).
  • Tangible outcomes (e.g., community benefits, social change, technological advancements).
  • A call to action (what people can do next).

For example, in the urban farming project, this section would describe:

  • Short-term: Setting up pilot gardens in three neighborhoods.
  • Long-term: Expanding to more cities, creating a self-sustaining food network.
  • Tangible outcomes: Reducing food waste, providing fresh food to underserved communities, educating people on sustainable living.
  • Call to action: Inviting people to volunteer, fund, or replicate the model in their own city.

Only share what you need to get your message across, so that you attract like-minded individuals and organisations to your ambition. Complete the rest of the form as appropriate.

Glimpse Into The Future

Potential Outcomes
Awareness Increased, Creativity Unlocked, Opportunities Created


Location or Area Impacted

London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom

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Luna Moon

Member since 4 weeks ago
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