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Example Question Listing


The Ask

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See how we structure question listings to spark discussions, gather expert insights, and explore different viewpoints on pressing issues.
Listing Status
Listing in progress (help wanted)

Objective & Focus Area

Primary Objective
Create Awareness
Project Required

Activity Description, Why This Matters Now, & Future State

This section of a question listing provides a clear, structured explanation of the inquiry being posed. Unlike opinion or discussion listings, which express viewpoints, question listings focus on seeking answers, insights, or alternative perspectives.

A strong question listing should:

  • Clearly define the question being asked.
  • Explain why this question is important.
  • Provide relevant context or background information.
  • Encourage contributions from diverse perspectives.

For example, if the question is about achieving 100% renewable energy by 2050, the listing would cover:

  • What the question is: With climate change accelerating, is it realistic to expect the world to transition to 100% renewable energy within the next 25 years?
  • Why this question is important: Governments, businesses, and individuals need to know whether current energy strategies are sufficient to meet global climate goals.
  • Key factors to consider:
    • Technological advancements: Can current energy storage and production methods support this goal?
    • Economic feasibility: Is the cost of renewables dropping fast enough to make them dominant?
    • Political & social factors: Are governments and corporations genuinely committed to this transition?
  • Who should engage in this discussion: Scientists, policymakers, environmentalists, business leaders, and energy experts.

This listing serves as a thought-provoking inquiry, allowing people to share knowledge, debate possibilities, and contribute to a larger conversation.

🌍 Why This Matters Now

This section explains why this question is relevant today and why people should engage with it. It should:

  • Highlight key global trends, crises, or policy changes related to the topic.
  • Explain why now is a critical time to seek answers.
  • Encourage expert and community participation.

For example, in a renewable energy question listing, this section might highlight:

  • The EU and the US have set ambitious clean energy targets—is full adoption possible?
  • China is leading in renewable energy investment, but is it enough to meet global demand?
  • The fossil fuel industry continues to hold significant power—can we overcome its influence?

🚨 If we don’t seek answers to this question now, we risk:

  • Delayed climate action due to unrealistic expectations.
  • Insufficient investment in energy infrastructure.
  • Ignoring potential breakthroughs that could accelerate the transition.

By framing the question as relevant and timely, this section ensures that people feel motivated to contribute valuable insights and data.

🚀 Future State & Expected Outcomes

This section describes what success looks like if people engage with and answer this question. It should:

  • Explain how participation in this inquiry can lead to better understanding.
  • Describe the potential impact of gathering diverse insights.
  • Provide a clear call to action.

For example, in the renewable energy question listing, this section might describe:

  • Short-term goal: Gather expert opinions, research, and diverse viewpoints on this issue.
  • Long-term impact: Influence policies, investment decisions, and global strategies for energy sustainability.
  • Tangible outcome: A well-rounded summary of key findings that can be used by researchers and decision-makers.
  • Call to action:
    Share your thoughts—do you think 100% renewables by 2050 is achievable?
    Provide real-world examples of progress or obstacles in your country.
    Engage with experts and researchers to refine answers.

💡 Only share what you need to get your message across, so that you attract individuals who can provide meaningful insights.

Glimpse Into The Future

Potential Outcomes
Awareness Increased, Creativity Unlocked, Opportunities Created


Location or Area Impacted

Moscow, Central Federal District, Russia

Next Steps

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Luna Moon

Member since 4 weeks ago
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