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Example Request Help Listing


The Ask

What's the Ask?
See how we structure help request listings to connect individuals, communities, and organizations with the support they need.
Listing Status
Listing in progress (help wanted)

Objective & Focus Area

Primary Objective
Create Awareness
Project Required

Activity Description, Why This Matters Now, & Future State

This section of a help request listing provides a clear, structured explanation of the type of assistance needed. Unlike offer help listings, which provide support, this listing is for individuals, businesses, or communities seeking help with a challenge, project, or urgent situation.

A strong help request listing should:

  • Clearly define the type of help being requested.
  • Explain why this help is needed and who it will benefit.
  • Provide key details on how supporters can contribute.
  • Encourage quick action and involvement.

For example, if the request for help is for disaster relief in the Philippines, the listing would cover:

  • What help is needed: Urgent supplies, funding, and volunteers to aid communities affected by recent typhoons.
  • Why it’s critical: Thousands have lost homes and access to clean water, requiring immediate humanitarian support.
  • How people can contribute:
    • Donate supplies (food, water, clothing, hygiene kits).
    • Volunteer to assist with distribution or logistics.
    • Help raise awareness by sharing the listing with organizations and networks.
  • Who should respond: NGOs, businesses, governments, and individuals able to contribute resources or time.

This listing serves as a call for immediate support, ensuring that those in need receive quick and meaningful assistance.

🌍 Why This Matters Now

This section explains why this help request is urgent and why people should respond. It should:

  • Describe the impact of not receiving help quickly.
  • Highlight the immediate need and who is affected.
  • Encourage individuals, businesses, and organizations to take action.

For example, in a disaster relief help request listing, this section might highlight:

  • More than 500,000 people have been displaced due to recent typhoons.
  • Emergency shelters are overcrowded, and food and medical supplies are running low.
  • Without help, thousands of families will struggle to survive the next few weeks.

🚨 If urgent help is not received, we risk:

  • Increased loss of life due to lack of food, water, and medical aid.
  • Greater long-term displacement and hardship for affected families.
  • Missed opportunities to prevent further suffering and provide rapid relief.

By highlighting the urgency and human impact, this section ensures that people feel compelled to act now.

🚀 Future State & Expected Outcomes

This section describes what success looks like if the help request is answered. It should:

  • Explain how the requested support will make a difference.
  • Describe the potential positive outcomes for those receiving assistance.
  • Provide a clear call to action.

For example, in a disaster relief help request listing, this section might describe:

  • Short-term goal: Deliver emergency food, water, and shelter to those in need.
  • Long-term impact: Support community rebuilding efforts to restore homes and livelihoods.
  • Tangible outcome: Fewer casualties, safer living conditions, and faster recovery.
  • Call to action:
    Donate now to provide urgent relief.
    Volunteer your time or expertise to help distribute aid.
    Share this listing to reach more people who can contribute.

💡 Only share what you need to get your message across, so that you attract the right individuals who can provide the help you need.

Glimpse Into The Future

Potential Outcomes
Awareness Increased, Creativity Unlocked, Innovation Delivered


Location or Area Impacted


Next Steps

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Luna Moon

Member since 4 weeks ago
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