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Terms of Service


JAN 1, 2023


This is a legally binding agreement (“ToS”) governing Your (“You”“Your”, “User”) access and use of our sites, mobile apps, products and services (collectively the “Service”) and all data, files, content or material uploaded, downloaded, produced, viewed or otherwise accessed through our Service (collectively the “Content”).

The Service is provided by Ideas Shared Ltd, registered office at 67 Lyon road, Crowthorne, Berkshire, RG45 6RX – in short, referred to as “Ideas-Shared”“Us”, or “We”. Together You and Ideas-Shared make out the “Parties” of these ToS (individually the “Party”). By visiting one of our websites or otherwise making use of parts of Our Service, You are considered a “User” of our Services.

By using Ideas-Shared, you agree to these ToS. If You do not agree or comply with these ToS, You must not accept them and must not start or continue to use Ideas-Shared.

We reserve the right to adjust and change these ToS and any documents included by reference at any time. If a change is material we will let you know in advance. By continuing to use Ideas-Shared after the effective date, you agree to the new version.

Access to the Service


Ideas-Shared will provide You with the ability to create and maintain a username, email, and password for accessing the Service (an Ideas-Shared “Account”). By accessing an Ideas-Shared Account, You agree to provide true, accurate, and complete information during registration and to update Your information during use to keep it current.

By accessing Ideas-Shared through an Account, you warrant (i) that you are 16 years of age or older, (ii) if you are the age of majority in your jurisdiction or over, that you have read, understood, and accept to be bound by the Terms, and (iii) if you are between 16 and the age of majority in your jurisdiction, that your legal guardian has reviewed and agrees to these Terms.

As Your email and password are personal and considered to be confidential information You are at all times entirely liable for all acts and omissions by the people You have allowed to access the platform through Your Account. You are responsible for keeping Your Ideas-Shared Account safe and secure from unauthorised access and must notify Us promptly of any unauthorised use or security breach to Your Account.

Account Purpose

The purpose of an account is to enable members to pursue ambitions that include the identification, sharing, and delivery of idea, thought, or situation-related topics, that are personal, community, or business focused.

Engagement is undertaken through the development of “Activity Listings” and “Groups”.

Activity Listings

The Service allows you to create and share all manner of personal, community, and business, ideas, thoughts, and situation-related circumstances using an “Activity Listing”. Ideas-Shared allows Activity Listings to be promoted, and syndicated online and offline, with the purpose of obtaining necessary support and resources, which are needed to turn ideas, thoughts, and situations into preferred outcomes or results.

The Member creating the Activity Listing is referred to as the List Owner.

Activity Listings are temporary resources that only remain in existence for the duration needed to achieve a specific result. The List Owner can elect to remove an Activity Listing at any time.

Any Listing may contain Content not suitable for You. You can always choose to stop viewing a Listing if You find it to be unsuitable in any way.


To facilitate the development of ideas, thoughts, and situations promoted through Activity Listings, the Service allows You to create and access unlimited “Groups”. Groups allow any number of participants who have a common interest relating to an Activity Listing to share Content, plan Tasks, and generally work together towards a common goal.

Groups are temporary resources that only remain in existence for the duration needed to achieve a specific result.

You access Ideas-Shared Groups by logging in to or creating an Account (in which case You are referred to as a “Member”).

Any Group may contain Content not suitable for You. You can always choose to stop visiting a Group if You find it to be unsuitable in any way.

Group Use

Ideas-Shared provides You with the ability to create and/or maintain a Group. The Member who has created the Group has overall responsibility for the Group, and the overall outcomes achieved.

The person that is responsible for the activity in that Group, is referred to as the “Group Owner”. Group Owners are also responsible for the development of “Teams” and associated “Tasks” that the Group needs to undertake to achieve the desired outcome.

You acknowledge and agree that by becoming a Member of a Group You can with agreement be assigned, and responsible for the completion of tasks.

Third-Party Services

Ideas-Shared reserves the right to use know-how, people, or technology provided by a third-party to deliver parts of the Service under these ToS. This may include but is not limited to for example third-party payment processors, email infrastructure providers or User authentication. Please be advised that third-party Services might have their own terms and policies that govern Your conduct through terms, conditions and privacy policies in addition to these ToS. When working with third-party providers we only use established and industry leading service providers with good practices. We make sure we have written agreements that bind all third-party Services used in Our Service to comply with data protection obligations not less protective than those in our Agreements.

Our Service may include links to websites and Content maintained by third-parties. Ideas-Shared is not responsible and is not liable for any connection to or reliance on Content of third-party websites or services. Our links to third-party websites or Content do not imply that We support, promote, guarantee or recommend any such Content or website, their views or their authors or owners.

In using our Service it may be possible for You to connect Content, or Accounts with third-party services. If You choose to connect Content, or Accounts on the Service with a third-party service (e.g. through an API, Webhook, Authentication, SSO or similar integration) You are responsible for what these third-party services do with this Content, including wanted or unwanted use, disclosure, loss, modification or deletion of any or all such Content, or Accounts. Please be advised that third-party Services might have their own terms and policies that govern Your rights and conduct.

If You are an individual located in the European Economic Area, the United Kingdom, Canada or another jurisdiction outside of the United States with laws and regulations governing personal data collection, use, and disclosure that differ from United States laws, please be aware that information we collect (including through the use of methods such as cookies and other web technologies) might be processed and stored in the United States or in other countries where we or our third-party services providers have operations.

By submitting personal information to Ideas-Shared and using Ideas-Shared, You expressly consent to having Your personal data transferred to, processed, and stored in the United States or another jurisdiction which may not offer the same level of privacy protection as those in the country where You reside or are a citisen.

Content on the Service

We may, at our sole discretion, from time to time allow You to upload, store, share, send or otherwise make available Content through our Service – for example by submitting a comment, creating an activity listing or uploading a file attachment.

Who Owns Content?

Content that You upload, store, share or send through our Service remains Your, or the original owner’s, intellectual property. Ideas-Shared does not receive ownership of any Content You or others submit to the Service in the course of using the Service. These ToS do not give us any rights to Your Content apart from the limited rights that enable us to run and improve our Service that are described in the following sections about Content on the Service.

We are not liable or responsible for any actions You take with Your or other Content in connection with the Service. Ideas-Shared does not generally monitor Workspaces to review Content posted in them and is not responsible for any such Content.

By submitting Content to the Service You warrant that (i) You have the necessary ownership rights, licenses and consent to grant us the necessary rights to run and improve Our Service (ii) the Content itself, Your action of uploading, posting, communicating or otherwise making it available via the Service is in no way infringing or violating a third-party’s rights in any way and does not result in the violation of any law or regulation.

You acknowledge that You have sole responsibility for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use any and all Content that You submit.  Furthermore, You are fully liable if such Content is infringing upon third-party rights, and accordingly agree to indemnify Ideas-Shared for all claims and losses related to such infringement and/or illegality.

You are aware that by submitting Content to Ideas-Shared You might be sharing it with other people. You are also aware that other Users on Ideas-Shared with access to your content might choose to share, edit, make available to third-parties or otherwise take action on Content You submit to Ideas-Shared.

We reserve some rights to run the Service

Ideas-Shared allows You to upload, submit, store, send and receive Content. You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that You hold in that Content. In short, what belongs to You stays Yours. But, to be able to serve the Content and to run the Service, we reserve a set of standardised rights.

You give Us the worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual right to store, display, modify, edit, send, delete, scan, analyse, track, repackage and reproduce Your Content to the extent necessary to provide our Service – without further notice or consent from You. This right extends to partners and third-party services that we work together with to allow for a smooth operation of the Service. This allows the Service, for example, to display Your activity listing to other people after You have posted it, to crop an image or to export an activity to a connected platform.

We reserve some rights to improve the Service

You consent that Ideas-Shared employees can use Your activities and Content on the Service to continuously optimize the performance and presentation of the Service. We reserve the right to publish our findings on an anonymised aggregate level. An example of an anonymised finding would be study of how many people, in general, comment on an activity they have also liked.

We also retain the right, but not the obligation, to directly access Your account data or a Group on invitation by a Member of a Group for purposes of technical maintenance, content oversight or investigation as well as general Customer support.

Any feedback or circumstantial analytical evidence knowingly given or unknowingly resulting from usage of using our Service can freely be exploited and shared by Us to improve Our Service or technology without this resulting in You having or receiving any rights or ownership of them.

Protecting Your Content

Protecting Your Content is a top priority for Us. While we do try to minimise access to your Content in general We retain the right, but not the obligation, to generally monitor individual Groups, Member, activity and Content.

We will only investigate individual Content of Members or Groups to determine if people comply with these ToS (especially our Community Policy) or to satisfy any law, regulation or valid authorized government request. Activity is monitored and analysed more frequently and can be used to improve Our Service, including Customer Support.

Ideas-Shared and its Employees shall retain the right, but not the obligation, to generally monitor and observe Your activities on Our Service to determine compliance with these ToS and to investigate Content to determine compliance with these ToS and any operating rules established by Ideas-Shared to satisfy any law, regulation or valid authorised government request.

Incorporated Terms and Policies

To keep a lively community of people using Our Service, We have established some rules. We have outlined these binding rules in Our “Community Guidelines”, which may be found at https://ideas-shared.com/user-guidelines/.

You agree to let Ideas-Shared collect, maintain and use information in accordance with its “Privacy Policy”, which may be found at https://ideas-shared.com/privacy-policy/.

To summarise, the Privacy Policy, and the Community Guidelines extend these ToS and are considered part of these ToS. This means You agree to be bound by them if you agree to be bound by these ToS.

Change or Suspension of Service

Ideas-Shared reserves the right, in its reasonable discretion, to suspend or end access to and use of the Service or parts of the Service for Accounts, Customers, Integrations and/or a Group (i) during planned downtime for upgrades and maintenance to the Service (known as “Planned Downtime”) (ii) during any unavailability caused by circumstances beyond Ideas-Shared’s reasonable control, such as, but not limited to, Events of Force Majeure, acts of government, acts of terror or civil unrest, technical failures beyond Ideas-Shared’s reasonable control (including, without limitation, inability to access the Internet), or acts undertaken by third parties, including, without limitation, distributed denial of service attacks (iii) if Accounts do not comply with the provisions laid out in these terms (iv) in the event that a Customer owes any amount to Ideas-Shared for any reason or (v) if We suspect or detect any Malicious Software connected to Your Account or a Group You are a part of.

Ideas-Shared has the right at its sole discretion to discontinue the Service and delete all Content for any reason at any time. In that event, Ideas-Shared will notify You 30 days in advance and make available a copy of Your Content during the time of notice as far as We consider technically and legally feasible.

Disclaimer of Warranty

We do Our best to build and operate a Service to high standards, but we cannot guarantee everything.

Therefore, to the fullest extent possible by law, our Service is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied. In other words, Ideas-Shared is always in beta. Ideas-Shared makes no representations or warranties in relation to our Service, its fitness for a certain purpose or the information and materials provided through our Service.

You agree that the Service may be updated, modified, changed, interrupted, or discontinued at any time without notice or liability. We reserve the right to restrict or terminate Your access to the Service or parts of the Service at any time. We are not responsible or liable for the deletion, correction, destruction, damage, loss or failure to store any Content or personalization settings submitted to our Service.

Limitation of Liability

You understand and agree that Ideas-Shared or any entity involved in creating, producing or distributing the Service will not under any circumstances be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, lost profits, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of or inability to use or access of the Service or Content on the Service.

Ideas-Shared is not liable for the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of other people or third parties and that the risk of injury from these causes of actions rests entirely with You.

Ideas-Shared is not liable for any loss, damage, fees or misconduct resulting from unauthorised access of Your account caused by failure on Your side to safeguard the access to Your Account.

Neither Ideas-Shared nor any of its affiliates, information providers or other third party providers or partners are liable regardless of the cause or duration, for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or other defects in, or untimeliness of, the information contained within the Service or Content on the Service.

The Service provides specific Life-Skills, Reflective Coaching, Step-by-Step Guide, Draft Mutual Confidentiality Agreement, and process plus a range of eBooks and Guides designed to support effective use of the Services. No part of Our Service constitutes, or is meant to constitute, legal or financial advice of any kind. If You require advice in relation to any legal or financial matter You should consult an appropriate professional.

Ideas-Shared may fully cooperate with any law enforcement requesting or directing Ideas-Shared to disclose confidential or private information or Content of any Account or Customer. You understand and agree that Ideas-Shared or any entity involved in creating, producing or distributing the Service will not under any circumstances be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, lost profits, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of such compliance or cooperation with law enforcement.

Any breach of the Community Guidelines with material consequences for Ideas-Shared will make You liable for damages suffered by Ideas-Shared and other people that it might cause harm to.

If Ideas-Shared is found liable for any event or circumstance resulting from these ToS with You, Our liability cannot exceed the amount charged to You by Us during the course of the last twelve (12) months.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Ideas-Shared, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against all claims and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of Your use of Ideas-Shared. You are fully liable if Content You submit is infringing upon third party rights, and You accordingly agree to indemnify Ideas-Shared for all claims and losses related to such infringement and/or illegality. You acknowledge that the provisions of this section shall apply to all Content on the Service.

General Rules 

Copyright and Ownership

Ideas-Shared, its look and feel and its logos are owned by Idea Software Solutions Ltd and we reserve all rights. All other trademarks appearing on Our Service are the property of their respective owners.

You acknowledge that Ideas-Shared and its licensors retain all intellectual property rights and title, in and to, all of Our confidential Information and/or other proprietary information. This includes but is not limited to: products, services, concepts, techniques, inventions, processes, software or writing part of the Services provided by Ideas-Shared.

You understand that although We might use terms like “sell”, “own”, and “unlimited” – ownership of Our Service and technology remains with Us. No rights for Ideas-Shared technology and intellectual property are transferred. You understand that the Service is hosted online and You have no rights to access, copy and/or host the source code of Our technology. You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining, monetarily or otherwise, all telephone, computer hardware, software, internet service plans and other equipment needed for access to and use of Ideas-Shared and all charges related thereto.

Relationship of the Parties

These ToS do not create a partnership, franchise, joint venture, agency, and fiduciary or employment relationship between You and Idea-Shared.

Survival of Terms

You agree that the provisions of these ToS that (by their nature) should survive termination will indeed survive any termination of these ToS. Any termination by either of the parties or the expiry of the term of these ToS shall only have effect for the future, and shall have no retroactive effects.


Should any provision in these ToS be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision shall be modified by the court and interpreted so as to best accomplish the original provision to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law. The remaining provisions of these ToS shall remain in full effect.

Without foregoing the above general statement, We want to make clear that some consumer protection laws or other legislation in Your jurisdiction may not allow certain limitations of liability, warranty restrictions and/or billing policies in these ToS. In the case that any limitation of liability, warranty restriction and/or billing policy is specifically prohibited by applicable law, such limitation of liability, warranty restriction and/or billing policy may not apply to You. In that case We kindly ask You to inform Us in advance, if You want to make use of a certain government regulation or provision that You see in conflict with these ToS.

No Waiver

If Ideas-Shared does not explicitly exercise a particular right under these ToS, that does not waive them.

Entire Agreement

These ToS (including all documents included by reference into them) are the whole agreement between You and Us concerning Our Service.

We might choose to run contests, promotions or marketing campaigns through our Service that may be governed by a separate set of terms and conditions. If You choose to participate in any such contests, promotions or marketing campaigns please review the conditions that apply to them as they might conflict and override these ToS. Likewise, by accepting a sales offer that specifies or extends this agreement, additional conditions and policies might apply.

Governing Law

These ToS shall be governed by the substantive laws of England and Wales without regard to conflict of laws principles. You hereby expressly agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of England and Wales, for the purpose of resolving any dispute relating to these ToS or access to or use of the Service.

Dispute Resolution 

We would not like to end up in a legal argument with You. If You are considering filing a dispute or claim We encourage you to try to settle Your claim with Us on an informal basis for 21 days before doing so through formal channels. To do so, please contact us by sending a mail to le***@id**********.com with the subject line “Dispute Notice”. Together we will try to settle on a solution within 21 days of Your email – if we fail to come to an agreement, You or Ideas-Shared are free to start a formal proceeding.

Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the LCIA Rules, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause.

The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat, or legal place, of arbitration, shall be England. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English.

The governing law of the contract shall be the substantive law of England and Wales. You can only resolve disputes and arbitration with Ideas-Shared on an individual basis, not in a collective, consolidated or class action lawsuit.


All notices under the ToS will be served by mail to Your email address on record in Your Account information. Notices to Ideas-Shared shall be sent by email to le***@id**********.com . Any such notice shall be deemed to have been given upon the expiration of 72 hours after mailing or posting (if sent by mail or pre-paid post) or 24 hours after sending (if sent by email).

Force Majeure

Neither party will be responsible for any failure or delay in performance due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, Events of Force Majeure, war, riot, embargoes, acts of civil or military authorities, fire, floods, accidents, service outages resulting from equipment and/or software failure and/or telecommunications failures, power failures, network failures, failures of third-party service providers (including providers of internet services). The performance of these ToS shall then be suspended for as long as any such event will prevent the affected party from performing its required obligations under these ToS.


Let us know at le***@id**********.com .