Back To Basics
Back to Basics
Ideas-Shared is simply a platform whereby individuals and organisations elect to undertake everyday activities in pursuit of strategic imperatives, life goals, or some other ambition, want, or need.
There are 18 everyday activities which include developing an idea, overcoming frustrations, fixing problems, asking questions, sharing information or articles, offering solutions, managing jobs, showcasing places (3 variants), and promoting events (8 variants).
Roll up from the activity and you’ll find ambitions with desired outcomes, and roll down and you’ll find tasks that team members plan and execute in order to deliver the desired outcomes they want.
Ideas-Shared was created to provide a vehicle for the mass participation of individuals over the age of 16, and all entities that include communities, schools, organisations, non-profits including charities, NGOs, special interest groups, public bodies, and government departments… where people are able to freely choose to come together and undertake the above-mentioned activities using our platform, methodology, and our own 7 Step Process.
Unfortunately, too many individuals and organisations don’t have the necessary help, support, resources, and leverage needed to deliver the outcomes they want. Yet these are eminently doable with the right support, but without this, they become impossible ambitions.
To be successful in this space, individuals and organisations need to have the ability to follow a structured process, bring together the right people, and make things happen. Incidentally, AI can never replace our human ability to empathise, communicate, connect, and act meaningfully together. We think that’s pretty obvious, but with the madness of online marketing, lines can easily get blurred.
On Ideas-Shared there’s no great drama, you either want to achieve something with another party or you don’t, and the processes you follow are simply the ones that you need to follow, which humanity has been manually doing in one form or another for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Of course, the real magic happens when parties come together to change and improve our world, but here at Ideas-Shared, we do things that are no less impressive…
You see, our role is to galvanise millions of individuals and organisations. To help you take that brave step, to share your ambitions, ideas, and thoughts, to ask for help, get help, and be that mechanism where a better future is created for all of us and future generations too.
The principles of Ideas-Shared really are basic in nature, but super powerful when enacted by millions of individuals and organisations. It might look rather small when you view it from the eyes of individuals, but collectively, and throughout the world, in every street, every town, every city, every country, and every continent this becomes a powerful enabler for all of us to achieve the things we want, to manifestly change all that is wrong with the world, or simply improve what we’ve already got in front of us.
Back to basics, it may be, but actually, this could well be the most exciting, and powerful solution you’ll ever come across, and you can be part of it right now, right here.