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Intelligent Methodology

It’s Time To Align Yourself To Your Ambitions

Intelligent Methodology | Social Network | Ambition Management | Delivery Engine | Real World Training

Intelligent Methodology Underpins Accelerated Ambition Realisation

Intelligent collaboration is a fusion of mindset, process, and technology that combines to deliver everyday activities, and desired outcomes.

Mindset and process are inexorably linked, and intelligent collaboration won’t work without both working in harmony. Moreover, negative behaviour such as anger, worry, blame, and argument is replaced by curiosity and intuition.

Intelligent collaboration is all about taking appropriate action to ensure desired outcomes are attained. It is action-based, not a coaching programme.

On Ideas-Shared we use tech (that includes a social network, an ambition management platform, and a delivery engine), plus a 7 Step Process (the process), which is melded with your ambitions, and which we provide in-depth training. As far as mindset is concerned, we help you ‘think straight’ so that you can focus on your goals, teams, and relationships. This is covered in additional life-skills training.

Fusion of Tech, Process & Mindset Scaled Increases Success Rates Exponentially

The benefits of our intelligent collaboration methodology include:

  • Scalability: The methodology is scalable, designed for mass use, and applied to collaborations of varying sizes, from small teams to large organisation participation.
  • Scope: Operating across 36 categories that cover personal ambition as well as those of a community, environmental, business, political, financial, social, and economic nature.
  • Efficiency: The methodology is designed to optimise collaboration and streamline decision-making processes, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity.
  • Innovation: By bringing together a diverse range of perspectives and experiences, the methodology fosters creativity and innovation.
  • Transparency: The methodology promotes transparency and accountability, ensuring that all stakeholders have visibility into the collaboration process.
  • Flexibility: The methodology is flexible and adaptable to the needs of different entities, allowing for customised collaboration approaches.
  • Cost savings: By reducing duplication of efforts and improving coordination, the methodology can result in cost savings.
  • Enhanced decision-making: The methodology facilitates evidence-based decision-making by providing stakeholders with the necessary information and insights to make informed choices.

The value of Intelligent Collaboration lies not just in process automation, but in the combination of multiple brains with diverse skills, experiences, and perspectives that come together efficiently, and effectively to plan and execute tasks that deliver specific ambitions and goals.

Emotions and subconscious behaviour overwhelmingly influence what we do, and by using intelligent collaboration in a logical manner, we harness this power to achieve our goals and create a better world.

Our Coached Ambition Realisation Platform brings together each of the components needed to drive global participation, allowing ordinary people and groups from every field to intelligently collaborate with each other to share ideas, overcome frustrations, fix problems, and engage in other activities that benefit individuals, communities, businesses, and other organisations.


Mindset is an important part of achieving or realising ambitions. Too often negativity creeps in, and we self sabotage our efforts.

Blaming, arguing, sniping, feel worthless, angry, are worried are all symptoms of an emotional mindset that many find difficult to control, or move away from when needed.

Don’t get frustrated, or angry about how things are, simply change the way you think, which is not as difficult as you may believe.

Picture of man with steam coming out of his ears

Changing negative habits into ones that use curiosity and intuition is the key to helping you realise your goals with like-minded people. These traits also help you to:

  • Act reasonably in all you do
  • Adopt a reasonable position
  • Be responsible and aware of own actions
  • Change the model or system
  • Create a credible plan
  • Create and use leverage
  • Create equity, and fairness
  • Create mass publicity
  • Create the right environment
  • Don’t accept poor standards or performance
  • Don’t deflect
  • Don’t ignore the issues
  • Eliminate negative behaviour
  • Everyone get involved
  • Focus on substance not irrelevance
  • Get a straight answer
  • Hold people to account
  • Join together and don’t get divided and conquered
  • Prioritise properly, and focus on the important stuff
  • Put options on the table
  • Put the issues on the table
  • Say it once and create permanence
  • Speak as one
  • Stop blaming, sniping, and arguing
  • Stop procrastinating or wasting time
  • Take direct action
  • Withhold support

this is all part of the ‘intelligent collaboration methodology’ that you can use alongside our technology and process.

Earn Points & Rise Up Member Leaderboard With AMBITION POINTS

On Ideas-Shared you will earn AMBITION POINTS each time you complete 20+ different actions that support ambition realisation. These are totalled up and depending on your score you will be positioned on our Member leaderboard.

Level 1
Ideas-Shared Ambition Point image

Rising up the Leaderboard is a super way to gain more influence, both for yourself and for your ambitions!

There are 10 Levels to navigate, each of which can get you closer to your individual and entity-related ambitions and goals!

Click here to learn more about our Awards and Nominations too!

Quick Quiz

Self Assess

To take advantage of Ideas-Shared, you need to be in the right mindset, so that you can take an informed decision as to whether you wish to join our community.

To guide you, we’ve created this short free quiz, takes just a couple of minutes and you’ll know for sure.

Develop Understanding

Reading this book will provide valuable insights into the potential of structured collaboration and how Ideas-Shared can be your gateway to achieving your ambitions and making a positive impact in the world.

One World Initiative
  1. Unlock the Power of Structured Collaboration: Discover how structured collaboration can transform the way you approach challenges and ambitions, leading to extraordinary outcomes.
  2. Overcome Obstacles with the 7 Steps: Learn the simple and scalable 7 Step Process that empowers individuals and organisations to navigate a path of growth and success.
  3. Tap into Collective Wisdom: Embrace the transformative power of shared experiences, where diverse perspectives and open discussions refine ideas and lead to innovative solutions.
  4. Access the Benefits of Ideas-Shared: Explore the unique features and concepts behind Ideas-Shared, the platform designed to empower change-makers and foster collaborative thinking.
  5. Embrace the Future of Collaboration: Join a powerful network poised to revolutionise the way we think, work, and achieve our ambitions online, creating a more sustainable and harmonious world.

Learn More About Intelligent Collaboration

Introducing Ideas-Shared

Available in the Member Area for those wanting a deeper insight into how intelligent collaboration works on Ideas-Shared.

See how we’ve turned everyday activities into powerful success magnets that help you get the results you desire.

Align Values

Our Mission: Empowering members to realise ambitions and unlock boundless opportunities.

Our purpose: To provide a transformative platform that helps members realise ambitions, and unlock boundless opportunities

Our Values: we have many, but the following stand out for us ~ integrity, teamwork, quality, value, and resolve.

If you’re on the same page as us, then let’s work together to create a better world.

Prepare To Ask & Act

For humanity to change and improve as a whole, and for us as individuals and groups to do the same, and especially when we cannot proceed due to a lack of support, or some other systemic issue, we have to be prepared to ask for help, and then to act.

Simply posting recycled information online is irrelevant, pointless, time-consuming, and ineffectual, and yet this is what we do in droves.

Often we reimagine and shuffle information, or chase higher SEO rankings, but these don’t help us realise our ambitions. They are often pointless activities that many are hooked on.

The key to attain success is to ask for help, then act.

(However, action should NOT be harmful, and damaging to anyone or anything, which may preclude that we need to find more subtle ways to change and improve our world).

Woman pointing to the Ambition Realisation Solution

Contribute To A Divergent Paradigm

The world has a lot to deal with. War, poverty, debt, the economy, and the environment are just some of the challenges. Online, there is a glut of information, where the focus is mainly on managing information.

This is all well and good, but information alone doesn’t fix the fundamentals of society, things like the limitations surrounding the control and supply of money, political polarisation, inequity, and discrimination, which are all still of concern and show few signs of improvement.

In these limiting environments, individuals, groups, and organisations still continue to struggle to develop ideas, overcome frustrations, fix problems, and more.

Ideas-Shared decided to fill the void, and create a divergent paradigm where people, their ideas and thoughts, and collective action sit at the heart of everything.

This is just the start, and we’re looking to grow our membership into the millions so that our voices are heard, and that we can apply our collective voice, and leverage to create a better world.

Ideas-Shared, and our intelligent collaboration methodology, process, and tech is the vehicle we created to do this, and we need your support, as you use us to achieve your ambitions and goals.

If this looks interesting, and you want to get involved, then click the button below and select a membership option.

Realise Value & Benefit

Joining Ideas-Shared has but one purpose and that’s to realise your individual and organisational ambitons and goals, and so deliver specific outcomes to beneficiaries.

This is done by translating ambitions, and strategic goals into everyday Activities, such as developing ideas, overcoming frustrations, fixing problems, and more. These ‘activities’ become ‘Activity Listings’ each of which is posted to our ambition directory.

Here’s how it works.


Every Listing that you post on our platform is both a request for help, and later, a conduit to successful ambition and goal delivery, plus value and benefit realisation.

As you join us, and as you create your portfolio of Listings, be mindful of the value and benefit that you want to achieve.

Used responsibly, Activity Listings posted on Ideas-Shared, along with appropriate action should yield a 10x, 100x, 1000x return on investment.

If you want to undertake activities on Ideas-Shared to generate this level of return by finding the help and support you need to develop ideas, overcome frustrations, fix problems, and more, then claim your seat.

Introducing Ideas-Shared content by location. Follow down arrow image