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Share Your Ambitions

Share Your Ambitions

The Ask

What's the Ask?
In our fragmented, polarised world, we need to come together and change the status quo. We need common sense, we need tough decisions, and we need greater participation to change and improve our world. If we all put our ambitions on the table, and collectively decide where we should be putting our effort, then we can create an agenda for the people. One that could make a material difference.

Objective & Focus Area

Primary Objective
Business Ambitions,Personal Ambitions

Glimpse Into The Future

Desired Outcomes

Listing Detail

Help Offer Categories
Coaching, Social Assistance

Location or Area Impacted

Crowthorne, Bracknell Forest, England, United Kingdom

Next Steps

Help Needed
Collaboration, Publicity
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Next Steps
Looking to realise your ambitions and goals? Then don't delay, join Ideas-Shared today and take actionable steps that get you the results you want… and we'll show you how!

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List Owner

Luna Moon

Member since 7 days ago
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