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Leaderboard, Rankings, Points & Awards
Rank Up Simply By Doing Everyday Actions
At Ideas-Shared, your actions on our platform earn you valuable Ambition Points, bringing you closer to realising your personal and entity-related ambitions. As you accumulate points over time, you ascend the ranks on our Leaderboard, gaining increased visibility and influence within our community. Starting at Level 1, your journey towards Level 10 unlocks new opportunities and connections. Embrace your elevated position to make a meaningful impact and drive positive change in our world. Together, we can shape a brighter future.

The Dreamer
This is the starting level for all members of Ideas-Shared. They are dreamers, full of ambitions, ideas, thoughts, and passion, and just starting out on this journey. As a thank you for joining Ideas-Shared, all new joiners receive a gift of 20 Ambition Points
The Explorer
This level is for members who have started to explore the platform and its features, and have begun to take their first steps towards realizing their dreams.
1 Requirement
- Reach 250+ Ambition Points
The Innovator
This level is for members who are progressing their membership with creativity and innovation, and who are developing unique and original ideas to solve all manner of local and global problems.
1 Requirement
- Reach 500+ Ambition Points
The Game Changer
This level is for members who have made significant and positive changes in their own lives or communities, using ideas shared on the platform.
1 Requirement
- Reach 1000+ Ambition Points
The Catalyst
This level is for members who have catalysed change and inspired others to take action, using their own successes as a source of motivation.
1 Requirement
- Reach 2000+ Ambition Points
The Transformer
This level is for members who have transformed their own lives or communities, through collaborating on the platform, and have set an example for others to follow.
1 Requirement
- Reach 3000+ Ambition Points
The Leader
This level is for members who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, and have successfully realised ambitions, coordinating all manner of individual, and entity related groups and tasks.
1 Requirement
- Reach 4000+ Ambition Points
The Visionary
This level is for members who have a long-term vision for how realising ambitions on our platform can change and improve the world, and have developed strategies to achieve their goals.
1 Requirement
- Reach 6000+ Ambition Points
The Changemaker
This level is for members who have made a significant and lasting impact throughout the world, realising ambitions, and inspiring others to join them in their quest for change and improvement.
1 Requirement
- Reach 8000+ Ambition Points
The Legacy Builder
This is the highest level on Ideas-Shared, and is reserved for members who have created a lasting legacy of positive change in the world. They have made a significant and lasting impact locally, and globally, realised many ambitions, and their legacy will inspire future generations to continue the work of improving our world.
1 Requirement
- Reach 10000+ Ambition Points
How To Earn More Ambition Points
Signup & Login
- Earn 20 Ambition Points for signing up.
- Earn 1 Ambition Point per Log In (max 1/day)
- Earn 10 Ambition Points once your Profile is 100% complete
- Earn 25 Ambition Points each time you post or edit an Activity Listing
- Earn 5 Ambition Points each time you like an Activity Listing
- Earn 5 Ambition Points each time you dislike an Activity Listing
- Earn 1 Ambition Point each time you send an email invitation to a non-member
- Earn 5 Ambition Points each time a non-member registers from your invitation
- Earn 1 Ambition Point each time you Send/Reply to a private message
- Earn 3 Ambition Points each time you accept a friend request from another member
- Earn 3 Ambition Points each time someone accepts your friend request
- Earn 3 Ambition Point each time you start following another member
- Earn 3 Ambition Points each time you get another follower
News Feed Posts
- Earn 3 Ambition Point each time you post to the News Feed
- Earn 1 Ambition Point each time you reply to a News Feed post
Groups & Forums
- Earn 20 Ambition Points each time you create a Group
- Earn 5 Ambition Points each time you join a Group
- Earn 5 Ambition Gems each time you get accepted into a Private Group
- Earn 1 Ambition Point each time you like a Blog Post
Training Awards
- Earn 25 Ambition Points when you complete the Boot Camp
- Earn 75 Ambition Points when you complete the 30 Day Challenge
- Earn 150 Ambition points when you complete all of the Coached Progression modules
Gain Awards

Boot Camp – Complete the Boot Camp and earn this Award. Increase your knowledge.

30 Day Challenge – Complete this challenge and earn this Award. Show others how much you care about making a difference.

Coached Progression – Complete all of the Coached Progression modules, master Ideas-Shared and share your achievements.
Member Nominations

Outstanding Service – Submit or gain Outstanding Service Nominations from any member as you use our platform to change and improve our world.