No To A Cashless Society
The Ask
Primary Listing Objective
Financial Ambitions,Personal Ambitions,Political Ambitions
What's The Ask?
It's as simple as keeping our notes and coins in circulation so that we can use them as we want.
The Story & Why This Matters
Hands Off!
We all have a right to keep our money in our pockets. That's why we feel it is unacceptable to make money fully electronic, or to control such mechanisms to control what we do with our money.
Ordinary people, pensioners, kids, should be free to walk anywhere and spend their pennies however they want.
Having a totally electronic money supply is not progress, it is simply another way to limit our freedom and control what we do.
Glimpse Into The Future
Future State
Benefits Realisation
Listing Detail
Opinion Category
Personal Opinion
Main Video
Location or Area Impacted
Brisbane City, Queensland, Australia
Next Steps
Help Needed
Collaboration, Political Will, Publicity
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If you want to keep your money in your pocket, then join our community and make your voice count.
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