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End The Migrant Crisis


The Ask

Primary Listing Objective
Community Ambitions,Economic Ambitions,Financial Ambitions,Political Ambitions,Social Ambitions
What's The Ask?
Those responsible for leading our Country need to wake up and do what they are paid to do. Not to shirk responsibility or muddy the waters. it's time to discuss the issues and to put them right.

The Story & Why This Matters

Start The Debate

Migration, whether legal, or illegal needs to be effectively and efficiently managed by every Country. Yet here in the UK successive Governments have buried their heads in the sand for decades, and allowed the situation to get out of hand.

Those that want to discuss the issues are branded undesirable, and now we all seen the results of this folly on our TV screens. It is sickening.

The people we vote into power are not there to satisfy their own goals, rather to get the best out of the Country for the benefit of everyone.

Now is the time for our political leaders to wake up, stop playing games, and address the issues on behalf of everyone.

Glimpse Into The Future

Future State
We can all feel better, knowing that any peaceful, and reasonable action we take to ensure those in positions of leadership address the issues at hand.
Benefits Realisation


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Next Steps

Help Needed
Collaboration, Political Will, Publicity, Debate, Public Support
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If you have similar concerns and want to lend your voice to ensure issues are debated and solutions delivered then come and join our community. Let's change the status quo.

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Bob Thompson

Member since 4 years ago
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