Public Profile

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Bob Thompson

Member since 3 years ago

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  • 16 Listings


My name is Bob Thompson, I’m the co-founder of Ideas-Shared. I’m also a procurement & supply leader, P2P expert, entrepreneur, husband, and father. Come and join our community and let’s go and make the world a better place!

Contact Info


Boot Camp

Ideas-Shared Ambition Point image 25 Ambition Points

1 Step

  1. Get Award

30 Day Challenge

Ideas-Shared Ambition Point image 75 Ambition Points

1 Step

  1. Get Award

Coached Progression

Ideas-Shared Ambition Point image 150 Ambition Points

1 Step

  1. Get Award



Level 3 ~ Innovator

The Innovator

This level is for members who are progressing their membership with creativity and innovation, and who are developing unique and original ideas to solve all manner of local and global problems.

1 Requirement

  1. Reach 500+ Ambition Points


Ideas-Shared Ambition Point image
500 Ambition Points

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