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The Ask

Primary Listing Objective
Business Ambitions,Community Ambitions,Economic Ambitions,Environment Ambitions,Financial Ambitions,Political Ambitions,Social Ambitions,Technology Ambitions
What's The Ask?
By pooling our ideas, and tearing up the rule book, we open up the opportunity to garner a more enlightened world, where everyone can prosper.

The Story & Why This Matters

Let's Share Our Ideas and More!

Our idea is for more people to share their ideas and thoughts, to overcome adversity, and take advantage of opportunities with people they know, and those they've yet to meet.

Turn on the TV and you'll see countless areas our world needs to improve upon. For that we need ideas, we need innovation, we need to help other, we need funding and resources given, and we need societies to embrace these new ideas.

We also need societies and people to come together. We need to identify, and discuss the very real issues that many seem to ignore. This includes the political, environmental, and economic challenges that everyone should contribute to, not just those that purport to being our leaders.

Glimpse Into The Future

Future State
Greater well-being, harmony and prosperity for all.
Benefits Realisation

Location or Area Impacted

Crowthorne, Bracknell Forest, England, United Kingdom

Next Steps

Help Needed
Collaboration, Political Will, Publicity
Other Help Options
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Call To Action
Want to live in a more enlightened world? Fed up with the status quo? Then lend your voice and your imagination, join our platform, and share your ideas, frustrations, problems, solutions, and more!

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Bob Thompson

Member since 4 years ago
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