Level 10 ~ Legacy Builder

The Legacy Builder This is the highest level on Ideas-Shared, and is reserved for members who have created a lasting legacy of positive change in…

Level 9 ~ Changemaker

The Changemaker This level is for members who have made a significant and lasting impact throughout the world, realising ambitions, and inspiring others to join…

Level 8 – Visionary

The Visionary This level is for members who have a long-term vision for how realising ambitions on our platform can change and improve the world,…

Level 7 ~ Leader

The Leader This level is for members who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, and have successfully realised ambitions, coordinating all manner of individual, and entity…

Level 6 ~ Transformer

The Transformer This level is for members who have transformed their own lives or communities, through collaborating on the platform, and have set an example…

Level 5 ~ Catalyst

The Catalyst This level is for members who have catalysed change and inspired others to take action, using their own successes as a source of…

Level 4 ~ The Game Changer

The Game Changer This level is for members who have made significant and positive changes in their own lives or communities, using ideas shared on…

Level 3 ~ Innovator

The Innovator This level is for members who are progressing their membership with creativity and innovation, and who are developing unique and original ideas to…

Level 2 ~ Explorer

The Explorer This level is for members who have started to explore the platform and its features, and have begun to take their first steps…

Level 1 ~ Dreamer

The Dreamer This is the starting level for all members of Ideas-Shared. They are dreamers, full of ambitions, ideas, thoughts, and passion, and just starting…