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Let’s Consider this Opportunity

Here's a question relating to opportunities for our young people.

Is Rejoining the Erasmus Programme a Good Idea for the UK?

With the UK's departure from the Erasmus+ programme following Brexit, we are now left asking ourselves: Was it the right decision to leave this long-standing educational initiative, and should we consider rejoining?

The Erasmus+ initiative, which began in 1987, has connected millions of students, educators, and young people across Europe, fostering not only academic development but also cross-cultural understanding and collaboration. At its heart, Erasmus+ encourages mobility, allowing students and educators to study or work abroad, gaining valuable experience in foreign countries, developing language skills, and broadening their horizons.

The benefits of Erasmus+ are undeniable:

  • Greater educational opportunities: The programme offers students the chance to study at world-renowned institutions across Europe, giving them access to expertise and teaching methods they might not find at home.
  • Enhanced employability: Students who have studied or interned abroad often find themselves more attractive to employers, as international experience is increasingly valued in a globalized job market.
  • Cultural exchange: Exposure to different cultures fosters empathy, adaptability, and open-mindedness in young people, helping to build a more inclusive and cooperative Europe.
  • Support for disadvantaged groups: Erasmus+ includes funding to help students from disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring that opportunities are available to all, not just the privileged few.
  • Strengthening ties across Europe: By connecting young people from different nations, Erasmus+ helps foster a sense of European identity and collaboration, which could be crucial for future political and economic partnerships.

With the UK having replaced Erasmus+ with the Turing Scheme, the question remains: Does this new programme provide the same level of opportunities and impact as Erasmus+?

The Turing Scheme aims to fund UK students studying abroad, but it lacks the reciprocity and collaborative framework that Erasmus+ offered, where European students could also come to the UK. The removal of this mutual exchange element may limit the depth of cross-cultural engagement and reduce the UK's influence in European academic circles.

A Question for the British Public:

As we reflect on the choices made, we must ask ourselves:

  • Do we believe that leaving the Erasmus+ programme was in the best interest of the UK and its young people?
  • Would re-engaging with Erasmus+ be a better option for our children and the children of Europe?
  • Should we focus on fostering international cooperation in education to build a stronger future for our youth, one where they can learn and grow alongside their European peers?
  • Are we potentially disadvantaging our next generation by denying them the chance to participate in a programme that has benefitted millions across Europe for over three decades?

The Future of Our Children and Europe’s

At a time when global understanding and cooperation are more important than ever, perhaps we should consider whether rejoining Erasmus+ would open doors for our children that are currently closing. The chance to study, work, and live abroad doesn’t just help develop academic or professional skills; it cultivates a broader worldview that is invaluable in today’s interconnected world.

Is it time to have an open discussion about rejoining Erasmus+, not just as a return to a formal programme, but as a commitment to the values of unity, education, and shared opportunity that underpin it?

What do you think? Should we seek to reconnect with Erasmus+ to ensure our children and future generations are able to thrive in Europe and beyond?

Please share your thoughts and ideas on whether this would be a positive step for the UK and the future of our youth!

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Camberley, Surrey Heath, Surrey, England, GU15 3SA, United Kingdom

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Bob Thompson

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